My Review of Ron’s Gone Wrong

I saw Ron’s Gone Wrong today and it was excellent. The characters were really amazing and great, the animation was really amazing, and the storyline was really good. I especially like the parts when the song We Will Rock You is playing, when Barney first gets Ron for his birthday, when Ron gets to know Barney better, when his classmates talk about Barney’s past birthdays when they came to his birthday parties, when Ron kept putting friend requests on people that Barney didn’t even know, and when Savannah is always videoing herself and sharing what’s she doing each day. Another part I like is when Andrew reveals that he doesn’t like kids and only cares about money, when Marc gets his job as CEO of the company back, when everyone is on good speaking terms with B-bots, when the buddy bench is renamed and called the Barney Bench at recess, when Barney brings something that his grandmother cooked from his house, and when Ron saved Barney’s life. I recommend that anyone who likes movies with technology and robots to go see it.

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